HRTMS Job Description Management![]()
| Applications Programmer 3 APPLICATIONS PROGR 3 (007300) UCPath Position ID: TBD_1003 | | |
Position Description History/Status | Approved Date: | 5/24/2024 3:35:14 PM | Date Last Edited: | 5/24/2024 3:35:10 PM | Last Action Effective Date: | | Organization Details | Business Unit (Location): | LACMP | Organization Code: | 7000O | Organization: | VC STUDENT AFFAIRS | Division Code: | 7800D | Division: | STUDENT HEALTH | Department: | 521500 - ARTHUR ASHE STU HEALTH & WELLNESS CNTR | Position Details | UCPath Position Number: | TBD_1003 | Position Description ID | 203179 | UC Payroll Title: | APPLICATIONS PROGR 3 (007300) | Business Title: | Applications Programmer 3 | Personnel Program | Professional and Support Staff (PSS) | Salary Grade: | Grade 22 | Job Code FLSA: | Exempt | Union Code (Collective Bargaining Unit): | 99: Non-Represented (PPSM) | Employee Relations Code: | E: All Others - Not Confidential | Employee Class (Appt Type): | 1 - Staff: Contract | Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) | 1 | SUPERVISION | UCPath Reports to Position Number: | 40037656 | Reports to Payroll Title: | APPLICATIONS PROGM MGR 1 | UCPath Department Head Position Number: | 40036657 | Department Head Payroll Title: | HC ADM SHS MGR 3 | | | |
Level of Supervision Received | GENERAL SUPERVISION - Indicates that the incumbent develops procedures for performance of variety of duties; or performs complex duties within established policy guidelines. |
POSITION SUMMARY | The incumbent participates in the software development life cycle using a variety of technology stacks like HTML, CSS, TypeScript, C#, and JavaScript frameworks like Angular and React. The incumbent has a good understanding of relational and NoSQL databases. The incumbent works with business analysts and stakeholders to gather business requirements, proposes process improvements, reviews documentation, and designs, prototypes, configures, and develops technical solutions. The incumbent provides production support by troubleshooting and resolving issues promptly. The incumbent has excellent problem-solving and communication skills. The incumbent stays abreast of emerging technologies and trends for modern applications and is constantly improving the software. | | | |
Department Summary | The mission of The Arthur Ashe Student Health and Wellness Center (The Ashe Center) is to support UCLA students in the successful attainment of their educational goals through the personalized delivery of accessible, high-quality health and wellness services, rendered with kindness and competence, by diligent, dedicated professionals. UCLA's student health center and its suite of services consistently rank as best in the nation. Most recently, the wellness fintech brand Ness awarded UCLA and The Ashe Center as the healthiest college in the state of California. |
Key Responsibilities and Essential Functions | Function | Responsibilities | % Time | System Analysis and Development | A1. Conduct system analysis for web and mobile applications, feasibility studies, analysis of functional requirements, developing, and designing software solutions, configuring business processes, and designing user interfaces, and specifications. A2. Design, configure, code, test, debug, and implement complex applications. Leverages on latest technological developments. A3. Develop test plans, test data, and unit tests, and facilitate user acceptance testing. A4. Recommend operational changes for integrating systems into operational procedures. A5. Advise and act as consultant (to end-users, business analysts, and management) A6. Create web services integrating with a variety of systems A7. Stay abreast of emerging technologies; make recommendations and implement such technologies. | 50% | Production Support | B1. Respond to production issues promptly. B2. Identify problems, resolve and communicate them to the user. B3. Interact with other teams in isolating the problem area and assisting in resolution. | 30% | Liaison and Communication | C1. Acts as liaison to the campus for all Student Affairs Applications. C2. Represents the Student Affairs Information Technology to students, faculty, staff, and all other clients in a manner that promotes goodwill and public support. C3. Serves as liaison with users concerning requests, usage, standards, security, and other developmental and production matters. | 20% | | | | | |
Other Requirements - Applies to all Positions | • | Performs other duties as assigned. | • | Complies with all policies and standards. | • | Complies with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Principles of Community. | • | This position description is not intended to be a complete list of all responsibilities, duties or skills required for the job and is subject to review and change at any time, with or without notice, in accordance with the needs of the organization. | | | |
Educational Requirements | Education Level | Education Details | Required/ Preferred | And/Or | Bachelor's Degree | Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or related field and/or equivalent experience and/or training | Required | | | | | | | | |
Experience Requirements | Experience | Experience Details | Required/ Preferred | And/Or | 1 year | Experience with Java Script | Required | And | 1 year | Experience with Type Script | Required | And | 1 year | Experience with Java Script Frameworks like Angular/React | Required | And | 1 year | Experience with Azure | Required | And | 1 year | Experience with NodeJS | Required | And | 1 year | Experience with HTML/CSS | Required | And | 1 year | Experience with C# | Required | And | 1 year | Experience with Object Oriented Programming | Required | And | 1 year | Experience with SQL | Required | And | 1 year | Experience with NoSQL | Preferred | | | | | | | | |
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities | KSAs | Required/ Preferred | Outstanding skill in systems analysis and design and architecture for distributed systems including completing feasibility studies of proposed projects, analyzing complex functional processes, developing overall system requirements, and designing intuitive user interfaces and detailed specifications | Required | Demonstrated analytical and problem-solving skills, ability to analyze, identify root cause and resolve issues: define the problem or objective; identify relevant concerns or factors; formulate logical and objective conclusions; recognize and propose alternatives and their implications; | Required | Excellent skills in implementing new systems, projecting the resulting workflow changes, and integrating new systems into operational procedures. Ability to define testing procedures and to rigorously carry out such procedures manually and scripted. | Required | Expertise in Microsoft .NET, C#, Angular, NodeJS, React, SQL, NoSQL, CSS, JavaScript and Cloud Technologies. Demonstrated ability to write easily maintainable, durable, scalable, structured, object-oriented code following proper coding and documentation standards. | Required | Detailed knowledge of relational and non-relational database theory and systems. | Required | Demonstrated ability to troubleshoot systems, identify root causes, and resolve application software bugs. | Required | Excellent oral communication skills sufficient to represent the unit on task forces and committees, to effectively participate in meetings and conferences, and to interact with management, technical, and end-user staff on a one-to-one basis and in group presentations. | Required | Excellent interpersonal skills to work effectively and diplomatically with diverse groups of administrators, colleagues, managers, technical staff, faculty, students, staff, vendors, representatives of governmental agencies, and the public. | Required | Ability to write comprehensive, well-organized, grammatically correct, and lucid reports, proposals, instructional/technical documentation, and technical reports concerning feasibility studies, systems requirements and design, detailed processing requirements, and programming specifications. | Required | Skill in setting priorities, meeting competing deadlines, and handling varying requirements and job complexities. | Required | Ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships and to interact effectively with technical, management, and end-user staff and vendor representatives. | Required | Ability to work independently and follow through on assignments with minimal direction and also work as part of a team. | Required | | | |
Reporting and Background Check Requirements | Background Check: Continued employment is contingent upon the completion of a satisfactory background investigation. | Live Scan Background Check: A Live Scan background check must be completed prior to the start of employment. | Age Requirement: Candidate(s) must be 18 years or older to be eligible to be hired. | Pre-Placement Physical: Employment is contingent upon the completion of a satisfactory physical examination. | TB Test: Continued employment is contingent upon the completion of a satisfactory TB test. | CANRA: The position is designated as a mandatory reporter under CANRA. The employee must sign the "Statement Acknowledging Requirement to Report Child Abuse". |
LOCATION AND PHYSICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, MENTAL (PEM) REQUIREMENTS | Environment and Work Location Information | Environment Type: | Non-Clinical Setting | Location Setting: | Campus | Location: | Murphy Hall | | | |
Physical Requirements | The physical requirements described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this position. | Physical Requirements | Never 0 Hours | Occasional Up to 3 Hours | Frequent 3 to 6 Hours | Continuous 6 to 8+ Hours | Is Essential | Standing/Walking | | | X | | X | Sitting | | | X | | X | Bending/Stooping | | X | | | | Squatting/Kneeling | | X | | | | Climbing | | X | | | | Lifting/Carrying/Push/Pull 0-25 lbs | | X | | | | Lifting/Carrying/Push/Pull 26-50 lbs | | X | | | | Lifting/Carrying/Push/Pull over 50 lbs | | X | | | | Physical requirements other | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Environmental Requirements | The environmental requirements described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this position. | Exposures | Never 0 Hours | Occasional Up to 3 Hours | Frequent 3 to 6 Hours | Continuous 6 to 8+ Hours | Is Essential | Chemicals, dust, gases, or fumes | X | | | | | Loud noise levels | X | | | | | Marked changes in humidity or temperature | X | | | | | Microwave/Radiation | X | | | | | Operating motor vehicles and/or equipment | X | | | | | Exposures other | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Mental Requirements | The mental requirements described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this position. | Exposures | Never 0 Hours | Occasional Up to 3 Hours | Frequent 3 to 6 Hours | Continuous 6 to 8+ Hours | Is Essential | Sustained attention and concentration | | | | X | X | Complex problem solving/reasoning | | | | X | X | Ability to organize & prioritize | | | | X | X | Communication skills | | | | X | X | Numerical skills | | | | X | X | Mental demands other | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Blood/Fluid Exposure Risk | The exposure described here is what can be expected of an employee in performing the essential functions of this position. | X | Classification 3: Position in which exposure to blood, body fluids or tissues is not part of the position description. The normal routine task involves no exposure to blood, body fluids or tissues and the employee can decline to perform tasks which involve a perceived risk without retribution. | | | |