 Protect life and property.  • Conduct foot, bicycle and vehicle patrols of University of California properties (campus, medical centers, Westwood properties and nearby residential area).  • Enforce the laws.  • Identify and conduct preliminary investigations of suspicious persons and circumstances.  • Respond to 'calls for service' for crimes in progress or suspicious circumstances.  • Be highly visible to act as a deterrent to crime.  • Liaison with local law enforcement agencies when patrolling in concurrent jurisdictions.  • Focus patrol efforts on current problem areas involving crime, high volume of calls for service and quality of life issues.  • Maintain awareness of current crime trend, neighborhood problems and departments efforts underway to address these issues.  • Identify quality of life issues and work with staff and community members to address solutions.  • Identify and make recommendations to reduce or eliminate conditions that are unsafe or lead to opportunities of crime.  • Provide crime prevention brochures and literature as appropriate.  • Participate in crime prevention programs (e.g. Neighborhood Watch, Click-it or Ticket).  • Provide escorts to University employees who handle transfers of large sums of money to various campus locations.  • Enhance public safety awareness and prevent crime through education, environmental design and outreach.  • Utilize and develop crime prevention strategies and integrate them into daily patrol and investigative duties.  • Investigate crime and write preliminary investigation reports.  • Interview witnesses and suspects as needed.  • Complete field interview cards and issue warnings to suspicious persons.  • Prepare reports of lost or found property.  • Photograph crime scenes.  • Retrieve latent fingerprints as crime scenes.  • Conduct follow-up investigations and prepare reports for cases under investigation as needed.  • Initiate and build problem-solving partnerships with campus community groups and key community members.  • Represent the department and University in a professional manner to the public.  • Promote a service-oriented attitude to the community and public.  • Facilitate community access to other campus and service departments.  • Communicate effectively with a wide variety of people, remaining open to the viewpoints of others, listening well and demonstrating sensitivity to cultural differences.  • Investigate traffic accidents.  • Prepare Accident Investigation reports.  • Enforce provisions of the Vehicle Code by issues citations for moving violations and parking infractions.  • Store or impound abandoned or illegally parked vehicles.  • Enforce parking regulations on roadways, parking lots and other areas as necessary and required.  • Make arrests of actual or suspected criminal offenders.  • Prepare cases for prosecution.  • Testify in criminal and civil courts of law.  |